I have been asked by my tutors exactly what I expect to have for this project by the deadline. Obviously, concepting, modelling, texturing, and rigging a realistic tiger along with all the muscle systems, weights and bones and then animating it in a match-moved film with dynamic fur, realistic lighting and a ton of post-production is probably a little too much to expect from one person in one semester especially considering all the other projects I have on the go. All along I intended for this film to be my main project for the whole year but perhaps I haven't made that completely clear and, thus, look like a crazy masochist with a wish for suicide by exhaustion.
Let me dispel that idea and reassure anyone reading this that I'm not completely mental and will only be doing half-ish of that colossal pile of work. By the end of this semester, I aim to have an intuitive and detailed rig of a realistic, anatomically correct tiger along with some realistic animations; run cycles, walk cycles, etc. Of course, this might look a lot like character rigging, but the difference is that this rig is to be used to try and suspend disbelief alongside live-action footage and as such will be much more of a challenge than rigging and animating something which has come entirely from my imagination.
Hopefully this makes this a little clearer.
Before I go, I've been amassing an impressively huge collection of reference images and videos of tigers and have started modelling the beast itself.
More on all that soon.
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